When my husband and I first found out we were pregnant we were excited! I thought I had found a Doctor that supported my beliefs in having a natural birth. Everything leading up to delivery was as my Doctor said "poster perfect pregnancy". I measured exactly where I should be. The heart rate was right where it should be. Everything was going great. I wrote up a birth plan. I had my hospital bag packed weeks before my due date, just in case. Then the exciting time came. I was out playing with our neighbor's dog and POP! Just like the book said it would happen. My water broke. We called the hospital. The nurse on duty was studying to be a midwife... she said, "Stay home. Sleep and eat normally. Things can wait until tomorrow." (OH HOW I WISH SHE WAS THERE MY WHOLE TIME I DELIVERED!) Then we went into the hospital the next day. The nurse studying to be a midwife was so nice and soothing. Then it all changed. My contractions stopped at 6pm. Shift Change! The new nurse was crabby and wanting me to get things over with. My Doctor that I had trust in started to put pressure on me. I was not dilating 1 cm per hour. Things were not progressing as they wanted. My water had broke and they were checking me every hour. They said there is a fear of infection, problems with the baby, etc. (If you weren't "checking" me every hour there wouldn't be such a risk of infection!) My Doctor said that I should have a C-section. I said no! He kept mentioning it. I said I wanted a second opinion. He responded by asking, "at twelve o'clock at night!?" "Yes!" I said. "You want to cut me open. I don't care what time it is." I did not want an adversarial role with my CARE giver. My family notoriously has long labors. I was prepared to have long labors. Then he brought in a panel of Doctor's and Nurses that all said I should get a C-section. I asked is there something else we could try? They gave me petocin. That hurt! I had a C-section.
This blog has come about because I wanted a voice! And my husband is the best IT guy! : )