Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scheduling Your Birth?

A common theme I hear among new mothers these days is the growing practice of “scheduling” their births. Perhaps that is just another reflection of the on demand world we live in. The problem with that mentality is that bodily functions weren’t designed to occur on demand, and attempting to force those processes can cause undesirable complications. Consider this tidbit from ICAN:

“Rupture of membranes - The breaking of the mother’s waters, either naturally or artificially by her care provider, can cause the baby to drop into the pelvis in an unfavorable position. An arbitrary and artificial time limit being placed on labor may not allow the laboring woman’s body enough time to birth.” Taken from

The amniotic sac is there for a reason folks! You might want to think twice before breaking it just to speed things along – unless you prefer to increase the risk of poor positioning and forced emergency C-Sections…

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