Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pitocin, anyone?

Just another thought on induction of labor. If you are a VBAC patient, take note that (at least as of a couple of years ago in Texas), inserts in packages of Pitocin apparently stated, among other warnings that Pitocin should not be administered "in any condition in which there is a predisposition for uterine rupture, such as previous major surgery on the cervix or uterus including cesarean…"


If you are a VBAC patient, the odds are slim that your doctor or nurse will discuss this warning with you should they suggest administering Pitocin to “move things along,” but that shouldn’t keep you from a fair discussion of the pros and cons of using this nasty stuff before you consent to its administration. (OK, so I’m biased).


Whether you are a VBAC candidate or not, isn’t it worth asking the question, “Is this really necessary?” or “Is it even really beneficial?” Odds are that an informed discussion that involves considering other options besides a hospital’s stopwatch will lead you to conclude that it is neither necessary nor beneficial in most cases.

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