Friday, August 29, 2008

Believe in yourself and your body, it will perform its proper functions!

I discovered someone else's blog that has an amazing story to tell. She had three cesarean's and like all women wanted something more natural ie Granola : ) She got herself mentally and physically in shape. She believed in herself! And realized that her body could do it!

She also has a blog

The video is amazing. I wept. We know how to give birth! Women have been doing it since Eve. Just recently we have allowed the western culture medicine to make it a process, quick and easy - for the doc!

I am so glad on our second birth I had a doula that basically told the doctors to take a flying leap. And then told me I could do it and she was there to help. : ) Also I cannot forget my husband, who pulled the doctor into the hallway and told him never speak to my wife that way again. : )

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Actually, that's my blog -- I have the video embedded but that's not me in it :-) But I'm happy to have the exposure...