Friday, January 25, 2008

Why Granola????

Why Granola you ask? Because Granola is the very word that sparked the idea for this blog. About a month and a half ago, a friend, who also happens to be a nurse, blogged about her experience nursing in delivery.

If I can find the post again I will link to it here. Suffice it to say that her post was nearly shocking. She described actual hostility (most of it veiled and "behind the back") towards mothers who chose to have a natural birth. Specifically, she quoted comments like "She's so granola." "What, does she think she's going to get a mother of the year award?" "She must think she's better than everyone else." You get the point.

While lying in bed that night (you know, the time when the brain really starts to work) I thought, hey! granola! What a great idea for a blog! A month later a friend of ours had her first baby via totally natural birth. Although she mused that she didn't feel granola (makes me think of that line from a Van Halen tune "I don't feel tardy" Anyway...), we still selected her for the first ever Granolie award for Rookie natural birth., and then we started this blog.

Yep, it's Granola...


Holly said...

My first child was a c-section and I almost had a c-section for my second child. The first one was because she was breach. And since I was breach and torm my mom's uterus up I thought that this was medically necessary. But with my second one they had to induce because she was 2 weeks late and with my first real contraction my water broke and they said I had 18 hours to deliver. But my contractions stopped and after 17 hours i was still only dialated to 4. They talked about a c-section and I cried. I had a 13 month old at home and it would be very difficult to recover from a c-section with one so young at home. They gave me an hour and they prepared for a c-section. I on the other hand had other plans. I prayed like I have never prayed before. I laid it all out for the Lord and he was merciful unto me! In 45 minutes time I was dialated to 10 and ready to push! What a blessing that was. It was so much easier to recover from a vaginal birth than a c-section. No it wasn't a natural birth because they pressured me into having an epidural. Which happend to be ther reason that my labor stopped.

Anonymous said...

A similar thing recently happened to my sister. The nurses pressed her into an epidural when she was dialated to 9 cm. No sooner did the epidural go in than everything stopped. Shortly thereafter they had her talked into a C-Section. Now she is at home with two children and a newborn, and in constant pain.

We are currently researching for an informative post (or series of posts on epidurals. If anyone has any ideas or on point sources, please let us know!