Monday, July 13, 2009

To Heck with Freedom from Religion!

Great radio clip. Peter Heck makes some great points here. I don't agree with how he made his final point, but I very much agree with the substance of his arguments. The establishment clause is written the way it is because the founding fathers wanted to foster an environment in which religion could thrive based on individual conscience, and without dictation from the federal government (I will omit any potentially lengthy discussion of the operation of the 14th amendment on state government and the subsequent incorporation of, inter alia, the 1st amendment as against the states - suffice it to say that the first amendment was initially intended to operate solely against the federal, and not the state governments).

In any case, the establishment clause of the first amendment was a brilliant, although relatively recently twisted attempt to protect religion and federal government from eachother, with the intent of fostering the healthy coexistence of them both. Sad to see so many these days using the establishment clause as a club to pound religion from our societal conscience, but I digress.

Enjoy the clip:

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