Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No Wonder I Homeschool Our Children!

I am appalled! I have been researching candidates to make sure I make an informed decision in voting November 4th... Well what an eye opener! I have discovered all kinds of personal agendas, mostly the homosexual kind. I believe in a marriage between one man and one woman, no other! And then strict fidelity within that marriage.

Here is a excerpt from
My commentary is in black, the article is in dark green.

"Donations are big issue in District 3 race
LEA-PAC co-chairwomen Chelli Olsen and Connie Duncan said (Barb) Baier impressed the screening committee with her knowledge of the needs and concerns for families and children in District 3. The screening committee liked that she had experience working with a diverse population and "understands the challenges and opportunities faced daily by teachers and parents."
Sounds impressive doesn't it? Guess where she got her funds from?
...the Victory Fund requires of candidates it supports. The agreement ensures the candidate will send all campaign literature and press releases to a Victory Fund liaison, communicate about campaign strategy and fund-raising, share the cost of mailings done by the Victory Fund for the campaign, send thank-you letters to donors and help with fund-raising for the organization.
Outside of the signed agreement, the organization also asks candidates to:
n Be openly gay or lesbian.
n Demonstrate they are viable candidates.
n Endorse federal gay/lesbian civil rights legislation and similar state and local antidiscrimination laws or legislation.
n Advocate for aggressive policies and positions relevant to HIV/AIDS research, education and treatment; gay and lesbian health and wellness; and women's reproductive freedom."
This woman is in the State Board of Education, District 3. She seems impressive, but the "agenda" she now "has" to represent because of the money she recieved, is NOT IMPRESSIVE!

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